somehow this year dosen't seem like a 'new year' at all. perhaps its because i spent new year day in the falcon company office doing duty. or just the part of 'school opening' missing from this chapter in my life. nothing spectecular that i know is going to occur in 2009.. no olympics, youth olympics, F1.. bla bla.. well i guess its just another year passing by.
yet 2009 marks very significant point in my army career: 14 MONTHS to ORD! haha.. cant wait actually.. even though i find taking recruits rather interesting. 2010 will be a bang. much much louder than 2009. looking forward to it:)
2008 has been full of ups and downs. recalling back to the times at nestle, bitching with those office ladies, especially kit.. and doing receptionist jobs for the sake of it. haha. thats was fun. totally. i'd go back anytime to pick up a temp job but i still think that old malay uncle's got the best job in the entire nestle =x
then there was enlistment. army. many periods of low, demoralised, unmotivated times.. managed to pull through BMTC thanks to my fabulous section.. and my buddy weiliang. up till now i still think he is my best buddy, because of all the times he stood up for me. thanks.
best section ever. viper P2S1. buddies for life.
sispec BSLC was a sudden change for the better. better accomodation. better treatment and all. there i felt more hopeful, since the course was only 8 weeks and there was a chance at a better life. plus.. a very INTERESTING platton.. haha. B C Choo.. damn idiotic guy. never will forget that face. then george with his parapara dancing and sky with his totally hilarious and cmi imitations. hahaha. lau yiwei the bus driver.. tay wei kiang, big head small brain... and of course sgt jaijendra, an oh-so natural comedian.. and a very very good section commander. pity he's leaving the force soon.
ASLC was again somewhat of a low. just the realisation that i've been condemned to infantry sucks totally. but i learnt to cope with it. to find joy in the trainings and all. ASLC was alot of ups and downs. trench digging.. and finally taiwan. looking back.. i wonder why i was so reluctant to go to taiwan then, for it has been a very enriching trip. of course the sgts.. matthew, andy and dennis have been very helpful and sincere to my coping in ASLC. and to make my stay there so enjoyable. can never thank them enough.
top: Graduation parade on 21st Nov 2008. Platoon 4 Section 1 Golf Coy.
bottom: Same section at ROC, Taiwan training.
and now falcon. BMTC instructor. really glad that i could click with all the old specs and new specs in the company, even though the OC and officers are rather screwed up. okay. that was an understatement. haha. jk. but really i feel the specs are doing an extremely brilliant job in taking care of the company.
that was all part of my army experience that i have come today to appreciate and accept as a very rewarding and meaningful chapter in my life. i once felt that it was a waste of time to spend 2 years in army. but now i've learnt better. its part of building up character + appreciating the little things in life + the enriching and unparalleled experience of being a soldier that many in other countries can only dream of and watch in shows. all of it, worthwhile.
other than army, 2008 also brought about a drastic change to my lifestyle and habits. suddenly, i have to wake up at 5.30 am every morning... sleep at 10-11 at night. also.. the time outside camp for my social life was drastically decreased. as such i had to plan to high precision what to do on my precious weekends, who to meet, when to meet. and all. its was a tough change. but i believe the worst is over. haha.
anyway, i've read many who have set new year resolutions for themselves. i feel its rather redundent though. since i have been setting resolutions all year long. however for the sake of a "NEW YEAR" resolution, i shall set some.
firstly. i want to start training up myself. intensity training. i just realised this morning as i ran to catch the 8am ferry out of tekong with derek that my stamina and running ability totally SUCKS now. i have to work extra incredibly unbelievably hard if im going to get gold for the next ippt. keeping my fingers crossed =x
secondly. kayaking 1star/2star. finally found someone who dosen't have a star and wants to take it: kannu!! great lets go get it. then join zhihao and amir to take 2 star later in the year. oh and did i say i wanted to take up sailing? hahah. i hope that comes true too.
thirdly. i want to make an enormous attempt to start getting together with old friends. lately ive been rather reluctant to meet up with others because of my packed schedule and army. however i met jq at camp. just enlisted! mayb will get together with them someday soon. and well.. 1006 gathering on the 10th jan should still be on. but i haven't seen the SWIMMERS for agess... where are you guys!! arrgghh..
fourthly. studying is going to start soon. prep for my accountancy course. and i may also be giving tuition for mathematics soon. weekends. secondary level. anyone got students to reccommend?
well thats all that i can recall as of now. will add on to it as i get on with it.
just a few messages to very speical people in my life.
the swimmers

i have been looking through the photos of our past gatherings and realised that never once had attendence at any of the gatherings been full :( we should meet up more. ivan slacker, please go arrange. thank you.
glendon: hey you happening kid. see you've been hanging out at the clubs very frequently these days. armour treating you damn well i guess. haha. haven't seen you for ages. must really find some time to meet up ok.
ivan: slack ivan, what can i say. whole day planning of ways to chao keng in camp. go do some part for the nation la idiot! anyway camp got so many guys for you to gay with. you should be happy. lol. go up pes!! haha. c2l9. loser. lol
emo jon: going to enlist already right? stop thinking of ways to change your pes status already. you're an exact opposite of ivan. haha. so up for what. well. stay optimistic for army. and i believe you'd do well for your As too. stoop worrying anymore! you've got it! haha. call me if you going for any open houses =D
shoe: hey stop shopping! ok. haven't seen you guys for sooo long. why cancel the christmas thing lar. @%#^@!$. haha. anyway when you bringing daniel to meet us. haven't OFFICIALLY seen him yet. lol. hahaha.
huimin: hows your leg. see la. run marathon until bai ka already. lol. anyway aren't you taking abit too much activities at the moment? what hall swim team captain, then biathon.. plus your moe scholarship in chemistry?? hey don't kill yourself. hurhur.
suechee: i bet you did like extremely well for your exams. haha. don't bluff. and i think you swim faster than me now! shit. im going to start training. ask the team to leave a vacancy for me ok. or should ask song loo.. opps :X shouldn't say it so loud here right. haha. got it. =p meet up soon. i want to hear the progress. haha.
then theres the others:
cassie: mei.. didn't mean to dao your new year sms. haha. just not in the mood to reply to any of them. i didn't reply to all! i swear!! haha.. anyway hope you did well for your A's... really want to find sometime to meet up with you to catch up but i know better with that uberly jealous bf of yours. =p haha. jkjk. im sure he will be alright with it. lets meet up anyway! haha... go watch movies. i haven't been to the cinema for ages.
xue: hey. haven't talked to you in ages too. guess i've been really busy and my schedule's been super hectic. and you have an array of programmes to keep yourself uberly busy yourself. many things happened last year. all i can say is thanks for being such a great friend. i know its very hard to talk as often as before given your university schedule and my army life ( plus you being in the west side 5 days a week while im in the east 5 days a week =.=), but i really do hope to keep in touch. some way or another. anyway. glad to see you so blissful.. really happy for you :)
ok. thats about it. wow. thats a very long entry. yawnz. sleepy already. didn't sleep much ytd night. lol.